“Can I Have A Happy Thought, Please?” Can This Stop A Bully?

“Can I Have A Happy Thought, Please?” Can This Stop A Bully?

The phrase, “Can I Have a Happy Thought Please?” is an easy and effective way for children to stop a bully.  It is tried and true!  I have been teaching children to do this for years.  The positive thought and energy stops the negative energy and there are...
March for Our Lives…Emotional Intelligence in Action

March for Our Lives…Emotional Intelligence in Action

The March for Our Lives was attended by over a 1000 people in our local community.  The march of the 17 coffins by the youth was touching and reverent.  The youth speeches were well-written and each one spoke to a different perspective of gun control. Our march was...
Talk of Guns in Schools…Help Relieve Children’s Fear/Stress Now

Talk of Guns in Schools…Help Relieve Children’s Fear/Stress Now

Having been a part of a faculty in a high school right after Columbine, I witnessed many lock downs and an armed guard walking our halls.  I spent more time in the parking lot than in my office. I was working as a Learning Disabilities Specialist at the time and...
Children Becoming EQ Smart on YouTube! Emotional Learning At Its Best

Children Becoming EQ Smart on YouTube! Emotional Learning At Its Best

Children Becoming EQ Smart is now happening on our new YouTube Channel, “CJ’s Land of Love and Joy.” Each episode teaches one of Dan Goleman’s 7 attributes of emotional intelligence. We will be raising a new generation of kinder and more...
What Is Your Child’s EQ Score? Where Does He/She Need Help?

What Is Your Child’s EQ Score? Where Does He/She Need Help?

What is your child’s Emotional Intelligence (EQ) score?  They say that measuring emotional intelligence is subjective. Yet today we are providing parents and teachers with the information they need to determine how their children fair in the emotional domain. ...