SoftStone, Inc. Awards
National Parenting Center
Seal of Approval Winner!
Our education system has always been focused on developing IQ and improving children’s intellectual ability. Up until recently there wasn’t much emphasis on teaching children to identify their own emotions and to perceive the emotions of others around them. This is known as Emotional Intelligence or “EQ.” If we foster EQ in children when they are young, we are setting them up to communicate well, to develop strong relationships, and to be leaders.
Of course, there is considerable resistance to such lofty “new” ideas, so parents must take the reins of fostering their children’s EQ. This is done by using the included seven-point star pillow which represents each of the seven different EQ attributes: developing empathy, self-confidence, delay of gratification, managing emotions, accountability, sustaining hope and persisting in the face of frustration.
You and your children can learn and practice these together as you encourage the building of their Emotional Intelligence. The included guides provide parents and teachers with talking points and activities to help children develop their EQ such as using kind voices, choosing happy thoughts, making good choices, being good helpers, learning about affirmations, apologizing and forgiving, playing peacefully, and being both appreciative and grateful.
There are links to YouTube videos, games and more to make the experience more interactive and fun. Parents will discover the easy, fun and engaging 7 Voices of CJ that they can incorporate into their everyday communication with their children along with activities, visuals, affirmations, coloring books, etc.
Recommended Age: 2 to 6
Price: $34.95
CJ Parenting Package
Tillywig Award Winner 2018!
CJ Parenting Package provides parents and educators with a fun, easy-to-use approach with which to enhance children’s emotional intelligence (EQ) which is, by many accounts, a greater indicator of a child’s future success than the more traditionally emphasized IQ. CJ Parenting Package does a fabulous job of defining the 7 attributes of EQ and includes a variety of enjoyable tools with which to impart these qualities to young children through play. Central to the program is a loving, lovable character named CJ (Creator of Joy), whose appearance throughout the package’s various books, games and activities provides a connective tissue that deeply engages and enlightens youngsters.
The package includes 1 CJ Plush Toy, 1 Parent Guide for developing the 7 emotional intelligence abilities at home, 1 children’s book (Joy – What a Way to Feel!) and 1 Color Me CJ activity book. The website offers additional invaluable activities for free as well as a new YouTube channel that brings the concept to life!
Karen Stone
2-6 yrs.
What Families Think About SoftStone, Inc.
How long did the review take?
Approx. 15 days
Was the product engaging?
The full line of products offers numerous positive characteristics – great for teachers and students
Did the reviewer want to utilize or play with the item again?
They will.
After thoroughly reviewing the program, I believe this will be a great aspect to both classrooms, homeschooling student and family.
What is/are the most positive characteristics of this item?
Joy & subliminal positive messages.
What is/are the challenges of this product/if any?
The educator will need to be committed because it’s comprehensive – but no challenges were found.
Please rate this product on a scale of 1-10 (10 is the best):
Please provide a statement of feedback directly to the product originator or company:
Congratulations for creating a much needed program. There is too much negativity in the media and this program deeply offsets that for children.
Optional/Additional Comments:
Definitely award winning!
How many reviewers were involved with this product evaluation?
How long did the review take?
30 Days
Was the product engaging?
Reviewers were both teachers and students and it was truly a joy to participate
Did the reviewer want to utilize or play with the item again?
Very Much
We continue to utilize the entire product line – even after the review was finished
What is/are the most positive characteristics of this item?
It has a number of positive characteristics – Love, helping, choices, gratefulness, etc.
What is/are the challenges of this product/if any?
Please rate this product on a scale of 1-10 (10 is the best):
Please provide a statement of feedback directly to the product originator or company:
This product line should be licensed for school systems
Optional/Additional Comments:
How many reviewers were involved with this product evaluation?
How long did the review take?
1 Month
Was the product engaging?
Did the reviewer want to utilize or play with the item again?
The kids loved the characters
What is/are the most positive characteristics of this item?
Its comprehensive and the kids love it. I enjoyed being reminded myself of many affirmations
Please rate this product on a scale of 1-10 (10 is the best):
Please provide a statement of feedback directly to the product originator or company:
Thank you for creating such and easy to use system. It instills in all of us the traits that we want to teach children
Optional/Additional Comments: 🙂

Santa Choice and Marriah Media Gold Award Winner!
The Santa Choice Awards program reviewers are experts and leaders in their respective industries and communities. They are a mix of best-selling authors, teachers, parents and advocates for the improvement of parenting and teaching excellence.
The mission of the Santa Choice Awards is to have professional outside reviewers evaluate the products that are created for all members of the family, from grandparents to newborns and to promote the winners to millions of consumers in print, on television and radio.
Marriah Media facilitates both the Santa Choice Awards and the Marriah Media Gold Award. Once the evaluation process is completed, and a Santa Choice Award determination is made, the product automatically receives a Marriah Media Gold Award for year round promotions and support by Marriah Media. Marriah Media hosts a platform of media assets including television, radio, print and social media components featuring the winning items to consumers directly.
Each product submitted into the Santa Choice and Marriah Media Awards program is reviewed by two age-appropriate users and by one product expert. Products are evaluated over a period of 30 days. Each product category has it’s own criteria for earning a Santa Choice Award. Winners are determined based on a scoring system provided back by the reviewers, with the final approval given by the final review committee.
Criteria include, but are not limited to:
- Durability
- Product Design & Functionality
- Educational Value (if applicable)
- Play Value
- Content and Positive Underlying Messages
If Santa Approves It, It’s Gotta Be Good! Santa approves the SoftStone, LLC., product line. Reviewers gave remarkable results to EQ For Children and SoftStone, LLC., and also mentioned that the product line should be licensed or placed not only in homes across the nation, but also in all school systems.
2017 Creative Child Awards Winner!
Creative Child Magazine’s Awards Program is unique in that all products submitted are reviewed by moms, music educators and early education professionals and also by people who would purchase this product.
Each year, a two day event is held in Henderson, NV where over 50 guest reviewers are invited to a local convention center to attend our product review. All products are divided into categories and displayed at stations. Reviewers are asked to sit at every station and review. They receive online review forms and are to provide a comment and a score value. Based on the scores only one product in each category can win Toy of the Year Award and also a Preferred Choice Award. The seals are a distinguishing mark of achievement and desirability.
The “CJ (Creator of Joy®) Parent Package” received both the Preferred Choice Award and Product of the Year Award for 2017!