Delayed Gratification the Emotional Intelligence Attribute That Saves Lives

Delayed Gratification the Emotional Intelligence Attribute That Saves Lives

Did you know that delayed gratification is an emotional intelligence attribute?  It has many facets that affect our lives daily. It often demonstrates putting someone else’s needs before one’s own. We may need to manage our own needs in order to take care...
Understanding Children’s Emotions and Emotional Intelligence

Understanding Children’s Emotions and Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand your emotions and manage them.  Emotional intelligence are skills taught and are not innate. Young Children’s emotions  raw and undeveloped. Adults parenting or teaching children must understand that emotions...
The Lack of Emotional Intelligence in Politics

The Lack of Emotional Intelligence in Politics

Let’s examine the lack of emotional intelligence in politics. Politics at every level are increasingly mean and lacking emotional intelligence.  All the issues that a democracy creates certainly do not need the addition of a language that demeans one’s...
Vaccinate Your Child or Not?  Is This a Health Decision for Just You or For All Our Children?

Vaccinate Your Child or Not? Is This a Health Decision for Just You or For All Our Children?

Should you vaccinate your child for measles or not?  Is this a health decision for you or for all our children?  It isn’t always a factor that we have to make a decision that will affect others in the long run.  Yet, young parents are faced with this weighty...
How I Began To Share Gratefulness At Family Dinners! Wasn’t Pretty!

How I Began To Share Gratefulness At Family Dinners! Wasn’t Pretty!

Does your family share their gratefulness around the holiday dinner table?  Let me share a short story with you.  When my daughter was a teenager, she wanted designer jeans.  I was a single parent and they were not in my price range.  She was furious with me and said...