Let’s examine the lack of emotional intelligence in politics. Politics at every level are increasingly mean and lacking emotional intelligence.  All the issues that a democracy creates certainly do not need the addition of a language that demeans one’s opponent or their dignity. I  know mean having lived in an autocratic family environment lacking the components of emotional intelligence.  My voice was never heard, honored or respected.  I lived in a democratic country that bore no resemblance to my everyday life.  Or was the underbelly of democracy more like my autocratic family?

The Lack of Emotional Intelligence in Politics

The simple definition of politics is that it is the way people living in groups make decisions making agreements  so that they can live together in groups, cities, tribes or countries.  Democracy is a larger version of people living in a family where each member has a voice and it is heard, considered.  Decisions made reflect the higher good of the unit itself. Have you have lived in a family unit that resembles this democratic definition or at least a resemblance of it? If many of us had, then we wouldn’t be in the pickle we are in today.  We’d insist on respect for the voices and opinions that counter our own and learn from them.  Politics would provide a platform free of judgment and centered in acceptance.  Voting our choice with dignity and accept the outcome with grace.  We’d keep choosing integrity, dignity and compassion.

Emotional Intelligence Gives Us Clarity of our Humanness

Emotional Intelligence provides our emotional brains with the ability to feel the emotions of our humanness.  Feelings drive our thoughts, needs, desires and concerns.  Feelings need to be acknowledged, accepted and given respect no matter how irrational they may be.  They are part of our humanness that seeks empathy, compassion, acceptance, and active choice.  These attributes of EQ are not innate and need to be taught.  Feelings drive our actions.  When they have not had an opportunity to evolve they display themselves in crude, selfish and demanding actions.  Families fall apart and dissolve and our outer world is only a mirror of our inner existence. Families and democracy can not thrive or survive in this environment.

Meanness Is Unacceptable

I began this blog by exposing my family situation. I grew up with this meanness as a part of my unconscious reality.  Negative feelings about myself that drove my actions and brought me pain and suffering.  Here we are experiencing all the pain and suffering our country has endured from the meanness that has entwined itself in our politics and our democracy.  The protests share this sentiment shouting that Black Lives Matter but what we are also saying is that ALL Lives Matter!  When meanness prevails,  lives don’t matter only the actions of the politics perpetuating this meanness.

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