Back To School Anxieties: Emotional Intelligence / Social Emotional Learning Skills Help!

Back To School Anxieties: Emotional Intelligence / Social Emotional Learning Skills Help!

Back to school anxieties always need emotional intelligence skills. However, the pandemic is presenting challenges that far exceed the normal back to school drama and trauma.  Children usually experience the fears demonstrated throughout history. Such as, will I like...
Helping Children Manage Emotions Requires Social and Emotional Learning

Helping Children Manage Emotions Requires Social and Emotional Learning

Today I want to talk about one of the most important things we can do as a parent or teacher, which is, helping children manage emotions. Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand your emotions and manage them and Emotional intelligence skills are not...
Bullying is Emotionally Painful is Emotional Intelligence the Solution?

Bullying is Emotionally Painful is Emotional Intelligence the Solution?

Bullying is emotionally painful always and it buries deep inside you. Most behaviors learned are from modeling beginning at birth. Young children watch their adults and mimic their words, tones and postures.  It was getting better for a while with the schools...