Bullying is emotionally painful always and it buries deep inside you. Most behaviors learned are from modeling beginning at birth. Young children watch their adults and mimic their words, tones and postures.  It was getting better for a while with the schools promoting kindness and a no tolerance model.  However, in the last 4 years it has become commonplace once again.  After all, our president and leader is a bully and it starts at the top and works it way down to our youngest generation.  Technology helps to promote this behavior and the task to mitigate it has become difficult.  Along comes the pandemic and we are all clustered at home. Tensions are high and we’ve got a long way to go.

Why Is Bullying Emotionally Painful and Long Lasting

The effects of bullying become part of the person’s psyche.  Therefore, the words, tones and actions attacking our emotional brains become embedded and unconsciously rule our behaviors and decisions. For example, I was bullied for many years. Those messages translated into you are fat, ugly and stupid.  I made decisions based on those messages and feelings about myself. I just wasn’t good enough.  As time went by, the reactions to my actions were painful and only reinforced those messages over and over again.  Most of all, I had to heal the bully within me. How I wish we could put an end to bullying once and for all.

Is Developing Emotional Intelligence the Solution?

I believe it is with every fiber of my being.  As I learned what emotional intelligence is, I began to change the thoughts in my head. The changing of my thoughts and my actions began to alter the feelings I had about myself.  Studying the 7 attributes of EQ gave me the structure and a base with which to monitor my actions and reactions.  As a result, writing my children’s program and living it enhanced my emotional well-being. I began thriving not just surviving.  Knowing that children’s emotional brains grow the fastest from birth to six, my purpose became clearer. Reach as many children as possible giving them the ability to manage their own emotional well-being. If my becoming emotionally intelligent healed my inner child, then giving young children these skills will begin change this awful culture.  Why?

Because Emotionally Intelligent Children and Adults Do Not Bully!

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