Activities for Teaching Children Emotional Intelligence Part II

Activities for Teaching Children Emotional Intelligence Part II

Activities for teaching children emotional intelligence skills continues with integrating using feelings and emotions into your every day life and learning.  Surely, I can feel the anxiety and the frustration at thinking that there is another thing to accomplish. ...
Resilience is a Key Marker of Emotional Intelligence in Children

Resilience is a Key Marker of Emotional Intelligence in Children

Building children’s emotional intelligence is critical in this ever-changing time in our lives.  Importantly, children learning to manage their emotions and feel confident in their choices increases their ability to be resilient.  Resilience is the key to...
Independence and Freedom: An Outcome of Emotional Intelligence

Independence and Freedom: An Outcome of Emotional Intelligence

Independence and Freedom are considered synonymous words, yet by their inherent meanings,  they cast a wide difference of interpretation within each of us.  We declared our independence from England in 1776 and became a country free to establish its own government. ...
Emotional Intelligence and Empathy for Dealing With the Pandemic

Emotional Intelligence and Empathy for Dealing With the Pandemic

What we need is emotional intelligence and empathy for dealing with the pandemic. Perhaps it is a  vaccine or something more elusive that will finally put us at ease, but until then our best defense is empathy for dealing with the pandemic. Most of us have established...
Vaccinate Your Child or Not?  Is This a Health Decision for Just You or For All Our Children?

Vaccinate Your Child or Not? Is This a Health Decision for Just You or For All Our Children?

Should you vaccinate your child for measles or not?  Is this a health decision for you or for all our children?  It isn’t always a factor that we have to make a decision that will affect others in the long run.  Yet, young parents are faced with this weighty...