Activities for teaching children emotional intelligence skills continues with integrating using feelings and emotions into your every day life and learning.  Surely, I can feel the anxiety and the frustration at thinking that there is another thing to accomplish.  However, what if this new approach to parenting and teaching makes both of these easier and more rewarding.  All things new and different are uncomfortable at first and demand more energy and focus. Yet, within days these activities and behaviors bring more intimacy and quality to your family and classroom relationships.  Having feelings and emotions attached to routine experiences increases creativity, engagement and a sense of belonging.

Making It Easy to Teach Emotional Intelligence Skills to Children

As we all know, children love characters.  Characters mentoring children take the responsibility off the adults.  Children find it easier to follow a mentor with less emotional charge.  Young children especially attempt to get their parents’ or teachers’ attention with positive or negative behaviors. A character leading the way to new behaviors creates a third party influence that psychologically and emotionally benefits the home and classroom environment. The voice of the new behaviors is the character or characters teaching the new emotional intelligence skills. For example, the new behavior is expressing accountability for one’s mistakes.  CJ (our Creator of Joy character) says he and all CJs say they are sorry when they make mistakes.  If your child makes a mistake and is having difficulty owning it, a quick reminder that CJs say they are sorry. Watch the magic happen!

The Voices of CJ Program

The “Voices of CJ” program provides children’s caregivers with an easy and effective method of teaching children emotional intelligence skills. With out a doubt, CJ is a lovable and bright character with 7 important voices teaching the 7 attributes of EQ.  In addition, his family of characters also provide a mentor for each attribute.  The parent and teacher guides give day by day activities making it easy to transition into CJ’s world of Love and Joy. For example, there is a calendar with activities for each day along with long range activities for families and classrooms.  Mondays are kind voices day, Tuesday is “happy thought” day, Wednesday is helping day, Thursday is affirmation day and Friday is grateful day.  Just click and print on the chart below.  Also, our website provides games and activities!

Welcome to the Land of Love and Joy! It’s been my happy place for over 40years!

Daily Activites Chart

Parent Guide

Teacher’s Guide

EQ for Children Website/ Games and Activities