Hello Parents of Young Children!

Today it is so important for young children to develop the social and emotional skills to feel good about themselves,  make friends easily, succeed in school and in summer activities, and manage their emotions in their everyday challenges.  This is being emotionally intelligent or EQ Smart.

First, Join the CJ Kids Club and your children will receive the Voices of CJ poster and a personal Creator of Joy certificate by email.  It is a great beginning to becoming EQ Smart. https://eqforchildren.com/cjs-kids-club/the-cj-kids-club/

The Voices of CJ poster can go right on your refrigerator and remind you to explore these helpful voices. These voices help develop those all too important 7 attributes of emotional intelligence: empathy with kind voices, self-confidence with happy thoughts, delay of gratification by helping, managing emotions with affirmations, accountability with saying I am sorry, sustaining hope through friends and persisting in the face of frustration with gratefulness.

Second: Visit our website EQforChildren.com and  explore the many EQ Smart games and activities that children can play on their IPads.  Learn all about our fun characters and how they help learn CJ’s 7 EQ Smart Voices  https://eqforchildren.com/

Third: Tune in to our YouTube channel and experience the engaging characters with your children as they learn CJ voices with his lovable buddies.  Which one is your favorite?


You are now all officially CJ’s Creators of Joy!  Stay Tuned…lots more to come!

“Voices of CJ” Poster