What are the best ways to help abused children heal, love or more?  The question asked by many professionals, teachers, foster parents and all those who feel their pain.  Having been bullied for many years, I have pondered this question in regards to myself.  Consequently, I have spent a great deal of time and money exploring the answers.  And so after all the therapy, workshops, reading and painful choices,  I believe abused children need these seven ways to heal.

Seven Important Ways To Help Abused Children Heal

  1. One really caring supportive individual that unconditionally loves them.
  2.  Understanding that they were not the reason they were abused.
  3.  Removal from environments that continue the abuse or rejection.
  4. Real basic skills that teach them how to care for themselves emotionally and give them the tools to know when to ask for help and assistance.
  5. Involve them in helping others because this encourages and increases their opportunities to feel their goodness.
  6. Support whatever natural ability they have that will lead them to their own purpose and place in the world.
  7. Play, laugh and let them see the humor in their everyday challenges.

Unconditional Love Is An Important Ingredient

Unconditional love is an important component.  However, let love be active in their learning how to love themselves unconditionally. The support above is essential.  Through the years, I have struggled to gain a sense of self because the love and support wasn’t unconditional.  I floundered often. Being physically or emotionally abused, results in an altered perception of who you really are.   Support them in learning their gifts and talents.  Let’s help our children heal and give them the skills to understand their goodness and their ability to succeed all on their own.


