Joy, What a Way to Feel!
JoyChild teaches children how to speak from their hearts for our hearts resonate with love. The child in each of us feels messages from the heart and it creates a feeling of well being… joy.
EI(EQ):Â Empathy, Relatedness, Heartfelt Communication
Peace on Earth is a World Full of Happy People
Headphone tunes in the good voices and tunes out the bad voices. Kind children give “Gifts of Love”…. Kind Voices! Headphone responds to good voices with loving sounds and to bad voices with shrieks!
EI(EQ): Empathy & Relatedness

Bows… Knows
Choose Joy! Come Play with Me!
Bows Knows loves when we make good choices and have happy thoughts. His Bow Knows and shakes with laughter and joy! “Can I Have a Happy Thought, Please?”
EI(EQ): Motivate Oneself & Confidence
Handy Sandy
Trust the World… Join Hands with Me!
Handy Sandy is a great helper and teaches children ways they can help place others’ needs before their own. Being a helper requires trust in one’s ability to make mistakes, ask for help and complete the job! Best Esteem Builder of All Time!
EI(EQ): Impulse Control, Delayed Gratification, Cooperativeness

Sweet Soulful Sugar
Let’s Make Joy and Love Go Round!
Sweet Soulful Sugar raises her voice in affirmations of love for oneself. These wonderful words that always begin with “I” help children to calm and self-soothe themselves. They give children the ability to refocus and move forward.
EI(EQ): Self-Regulation , Self Control
From My Heart to Your Heart
Hug-A-Heart understands how hard it is to say “I am Sorry.” Telling the truth when we make mistakes is important and helps us to move on without worry or sorrow. We feel better and need to hear and receive the love.
EI(EQ): Not Letting Emotions Swamp the Ability to Think

Rainbow Rootie
I’m Doing A Two-Step Through Life, Joy and Love, Come Dance with Me
Rainbow Rootie says that we are all one, have the same inside and emotions, no matter what color we are. That makes us buddies! When we play nicely together, we learn sharing, compromise and problem solving. The connectedness brings us feelings of hope and curiosity.
EI(EQ): Hope Builds Future Goals and Dreams
I Love You, You Are Perfect Just the Way You Are!
Lillieloverbody wiggles with joy for she loves her body and appreciates all she has. She says her “gratefuls” every day for each part of her body and life. Even during the hard times, she remembers to look at the the bright side.
EI(EQ): Persist in the Face of Frustration to Refocus with Intentionality

Trust Me Gut
Trust me Gut sits on your shoulder and whispers reminders to trust your gut or your intuition  These are our healthy choices. He represents the knowing we all have that guides us, protects us and moves us toward the choices that resonate with our goodness and well-being.
EI(EQ): Not Letting Emotions Swamp the Ability to Think and Impulse Control
ConemEgo sits on your opposite shoulder challenging your intuition and choices. He is your EGO. Your EGO wants you to have whatever you desire no matter the consequences. He whispers in your ear that the inappropriate choices you are questioning are just fine. That no one will care or know the difference.
EI(EQ): Impulse control and Regulate One’s Moods